We help you sell in a digital world.

We create online stores

Discover solutions that your customers will love. PrestaShop online stores.

4ec.eu is a partner of Prestashop Experts Programme

How can we help?

The mission of 4ec.eu is to help sales in the digital world. We build dedicated e-commerce solutions based on the latest technologies. By providing valuable solutions, we create the success of our clients.

Wdrażamy sklepy internetowe PrestaShop

We implement PrestaShop online stores

Implementation of a store based on the PrestaShop engine made for you. We will adapt the solution to your needs.

Contact us to find out more!

Integrujemy sklepy internetowe PrestaShop

We support existing installations

You are not satisfied with your store, you would like to improve it, change it, optimize it, or maybe migrate to the latest version of PrestaShop.

Contact us – we will help!

KOnsultacje w zakresie PrestaSHop i e-commerce

E-commerce consulting

You are thinking about starting online sales, you don’t know where to start. You have a store and you would like to consult its development directions.

You’ve come to the right place, call us, write – we’ll advise you!

Prestashop - the e-commerce system for you!

When we start our adventure with e-commerce, we often ask ourselves which online store engine to choose. The choice is not immediately obvious. That is why it is worth trusting professionals and choosing the PrestaShop system, proven in thousands of installations.

PestaShop is characterized by ease of use, considerable expansion possibilities and adaptation to the needs of individual customers. Importantly, thanks to the built-in solutions, PrestaShop-based stores have Polish translations and comply with the requirements of applicable law, including the European Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (the so-called GDPR).

The system complies with the latest standards in the field of mobile device support (RWD), supports modern search engines.

Prestashop logo

See what else we can do for you

4ec.eu helps you throughout the life cycle of your PrestaShop online store. We design, launch, help service, and support SEM / SEO activity. By choosing 4ec.eu you can count on processional support for your PrestaShop store.

Wdrażamy sklepy internetowe PrestaShop


Design your first store with us. We will adjust the appearance of your store to the needs of your customers. We will take into account the requirements of modern standards and adapt the solution to mobile devices using Responsive Web Design (RWD). You’ll see how simple it is!

Integrujemy sklepy internetowe PrestaShop


Use the power of the implemented PrestaShop solution to increase your sales. We will help you optimize your processes and train your employees.

KOnsultacje w zakresie PrestaSHop i e-commerce

SEO optimization

Actively use SEO solutions to better position your store in search engines. We will advise you on how to effectively apply SEO principles in your online store.

Rozwijamy sklepy internetowe PrestaShop


We help in the ongoing development of the store. We optimize the store. We implement new e-commerce solutions. Stay up to date with trends and changes in the market. E-commerce is changing very fast. You will be on time with us!



We will connect your PrestaShop e-shop with payment and electronic systems, auction platforms, couriers and a warehouse program. Make everything simple.

Pomagamy i serwisujemy Sklepy Internetowe PrestaShop


And if something works differently than you expect, you can always count on our professional help.

Our Partners

4ec.eu cooperates with key suppliers of solutions for the e-commerce market. We invite you to use the services of 4ec.eu Partners through us. We will be happy to support you in the configuration, operation and integration of Partner solutions.